Non-fiction can be depressing, reading of political
malfeasance, economic injustice, and environmental catastrophe. But recently I received
a book about the “lost generation” or “Generation Y”, people currently in their
20s, that is surprisingly upbeat and positive. It’s a collection of essays
written by Gen Y members, each focusing on some aspect of the obstacles their
generation faces and their response. Produced by the online magazine Shareable, this tome’s title challenges
us to “Share or Die”. (Apropos of the title, the preceeding link is to a free, shareable version of the book. You can also purchase a copy here.)
Gen Y occupies a world of contradiction. Society steers young
people to post-secondary education and a productive and high-paying world of
work, in the process becoming consumers of vast quantities of material wealth
and somehow finding time to raise a family. Yet jobs for new graduates are
scarce or underpaid, and the only thing an education truly guarantees is
staggering student debt. Rather than become enraged or just give up, these young
people are charting a new course. Share or Die covers such varied topics as
employment in the volunteer, non-profit, or entrepreneur sectors, worker co-ops
and career as a lattice (rather than ladder), collaborative consumption (car
shares, bike-shares, co-housing, tool libraries, co-ops), resilience and food
self-sufficiency, even low-cost self-education. As a change of pace, some parts
are mini graphic novels instead of straight text.
Two common threads link the essays. One is about finding non-market
ways to satisfy basic human needs (housing, food, education, entertainment)
outside the capitalist-consumption paradigm; as one writer puts it “depending
on each others’ living labour rather than the dead value stored in commodities”
and recognizing that wealth is more than money. Less stuff means less destruction
of our resources, less pollution of our biosphere. Yet a shift to access rather
than ownership means we can still enjoy healthy lives in a thriving community. This
isn’t just smart; it’s necessary for our survival as a species.
The other thread describes new uses of communications
infrastructure, such as internet and social media, to create sharing
communities. Connectedness becomes the way to coordinate, working together to
achieve goals, because with all your friends pulling in the same direction, you
can do more for less money.
As another writer notes, we have two choices: innovation or
stagnation. Luckily, the realistic hopefulness of the creative, thoughtful young
people showcased in this book proves that alternative paths to happiness are
possible and achievable, although not without effort, trade-offs, and setbacks.
This is a daunting new path, one different than that taken by
any of our living ancestors. Gen Y represents a massive generational force, one
that outnumbers the baby boomers, coming of age in this time of crisis. Read
this book and learn how this generation is taking on a hero’s mantle, helping
society to resolve this crisis by applying the mindset and tools of sharing.
Published as my Root Issues column in the Barrie Examiner under the title "Gen Y not afraid to push the concept ‘share or die’".
Erich Jacoby-Hawkins is a director of
Living Green and the Robert Schalkenbach Foundation.
Even as a professional youth, I already prioritized my needs from getting a well stabled job and was able to purchase my own home at the age of 28. As a youth with a concrete plan I will be able to determine my wants and needs. I even organized my savings for getting a car and house. I just saw some houses in I think this site is a good guide for those who are still planning.